Home Leadership Artificial Intelligence ~Japan Stratus Technology President’s Blog vol.6

Artificial Intelligence ~Japan Stratus Technology President’s Blog vol.6

When I wake up in the morning, I have Google Home at home, so I feel free to ask, “What’s the weather like today?” However, when I hear something a little difficult, I reply “It’s not useful”, so I just say “Stupid!” Speaking of which, it may become troublesome after that. When I come to work and open the company’s email system, they filter out what I think is spam. It seems to be excluded by a slightly stricter rule, so if you think it is good to read, you will receive permission. When you search for something on the Internet, the results are remembered, and even if you go to another site, related advertisements will follow you. Now that I know, I’m tempted to murmur that this is all I’m going to chase. When you go to a customer’s place, there is a robot at the entrance, and you look at it and make meaningful movements. However, it seems that calling out to them is of little use. I wonder why I put something like this.

Whether we like it or not, many applications of artificial intelligence technology have already entered our lives. I often wonder about the current level of completion, so it will be a bit of a mean evaluation as described above, but I expect it to improve rapidly in the future. Even at the moment, if you squeeze your work into a small area, for example, in chess, shogi, go, etc., you will have a record that is equal to or better than that of the top professionals.

I wanted to refresh my knowledge a little, so I read a few books on artificial intelligence. Actually, this is the first time I’ve read an artificial intelligence book since the second boom has subsided, so there may be a gap of nearly 30 years. Recently, IoT/edge computing has become a priority area for Stratus, so artificial intelligence technology has become an adjacent technology. In the analytical software solutions that run on our equipment, we see cases where machine learning technology is applied. The other day, we held a solution seminar on IoT in Yaesu.

Trends, solutions, and case studies in the manufacturing industry were given by Hitachi Systems, FogHorn Systems, and Siemens. We were able to invite leaders and cutting-edge ventures from Japan, the United States, and Europe, and the participants were also very satisfied. In that lecture as well, FogHorn Systems in the United States gave a presentation on CEP (Complex Event Processing) analysis and explained the linkage with machine learning.

This AI boom can be said to be the third one, but it was impressive that several authors have taken a restrained attitude toward the current capabilities and future development of artificial intelligence technology. For example, the fundamental question of whether artificial intelligence is capable is really “a computer that thinks like a human”. There is a common understanding that it has not been done yet. In the sense of unraveling the principle of human intellectual activity and realizing it by engineering, true artificial intelligence has not been completed. There are also many suppressive opinions about the singularity, that is, the coming of a technological singularity. Singularity refers to the point at which artificial intelligence can create artificial intelligence that exceeds its own capabilities. Just as multiplying numbers even slightly larger than 1 many times produces a very large number, it suggests that beyond this singularity, overwhelming intelligence can be born, which can have a great impact on human evolution and history, both positively and negatively.

Yutaka Matsuo, author of “Can Artificial Intelligence Surpass Humans?”, said, “There is no possibility at this time that artificial intelligence will conquer humanity or create artificial intelligence. It is a pipe dream.” I have made it clear. To put it very simply, it is because “human = intelligence + life.” “It is ridiculous to fear that artificial intelligence may start to have a will of its own without talking about life,” I conclude.

Noriko Arai, author of “AI vs. Children Who Can’t Read Textbooks,” is a mathematician who says the singularity will never come. “In other words, ‘AI in the true sense’ To attain the same level of intelligence as humans, it means that our brains can replace everything they perceive, consciously or unconsciously, with computable mathematical formulas. But for now, what can be replaced by mathematical formulas in mathematics is in terms of logic, statistics, and probability, and we cannot reduce all our perceptions to logic, statistics, and probability.”

Now, Noriko Arai has denied the singularity, but she predicts that in the future many human jobs will be replaced by AI. In addition, in the process of introducing AI, white-collar workers will be divided, and it is predicted that there will be a shortage of human resources who can do work that AI cannot do, and will not be satisfied.

Toyo Keizai Inc.’s “Definitive Introduction to Artificial Intelligence for Business Persons” contained many case studies. Automation of primary answers at the help desk using voice recognition technology, Development of cars that do not cause accidents, and development of vehicles that can be handled even by people with disabilities and the elderly, Optimization of functions to deliver advertisements by linking with a huge number of users, Machines at the edge are equipped with AI and networked to realize mutual cooperation, A robot operation program for picking logistics, Conversion of skilled skills into AI for dispatch planning work, Diagnostic imaging of medical examinations are conducted in cooperation with doctors. Use in the selection process and personnel evaluation of human resources. Credit screening in finance, fraud detection, investment fund management, and call center operator assistance.

In this third boom of artificial intelligence, the restrained attitude toward artificial intelligence and the singularity that thinks like humans is reminiscent of a rather down-to-earth approach and developmental process, and the use cases of specific AI technologies are increasing every moment. When I get home today, I say to Google Home, “I’ve just studied, I studied today.”

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